Bat species occurrences in Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda

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The dataset includes bat species occurrence records resulting from survey efforts in Nyungwe National Park and surrounding areas in southwestern Rwanda from 2013-2020. Data were collected as part of a long-term collaborative project to determine if the IUCN critically endangered Hill's horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hilli) is extant. The dataset includes species occurrence records resulting from cave roost surveys, capture surveys, and acoustic sampling of bat echolocation activity. The dataset includes 278 occurrence records from 10 bat species of 5 families detected at 71 locations in or near Nyungwe National Park. The dataset includes three notable species occurrences in Nyungwe National Park, including the first detection of Rhinolophus hilli since 1981, the first record of Lander's horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus landeri) in Nyungwe National Park, and the first record of the Damara woolly bat (Kerivoula argentata) in Rwanda.

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Flanders J, Frick W, Nziza J, Nsengimana O, Kaleme P, Dusabe M C, Ndikubwimana I, Twizeyimana I, Kibiwot S, Ntihemuka P, Cheng T, Muvunyi R, Webala P (2022): Bat species occurrences in Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda. v1.9. Bat Conservation International. Dataset/Occurrence.



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occurrence; Occurrence; Observation


Jon Flanders
  • 研究代表者
Director, Endangered Species Interventions
Bat Conservation International
500 North Capital of Texas Hwy
78746 Austin
Winifred Frick
  • 連絡先
Chief Scientist
Bat Conservation International
500 North Capital of Texas Hwy
78746 Austin
Julius Nziza
  • 論文著者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
Researcher and Veterinarian
Gorilla Doctors
Olivier Nsengimana
  • 論文著者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
Founder and Executive Director
Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association
Prince Kaleme
  • 論文著者
Centre de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles (CRSN) - LWIRO
Marie Claire Dusabe
  • 論文著者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
Bat Research Coordinator
Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association
Innocent Ndikubwimana
  • 論文著者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
Fauna and Flora International
Innocent Twizeyimana
  • 論文著者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
Bat Research Coordinator
Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association
Sospeter Kibiwot
  • 最初のデータ採集者
PhD Student
University of Eldoret
Pierre Ntihemuka
  • 論文著者
Chief Park Warden
Nyungwe Management Company
Tina Cheng
  • データ提供者
  • メタデータ提供者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • 連絡先
Data Scientist
Bat Conservation International
500 North Capital of Texas Hwy
78746 Austin
Richard Muvunyi
  • 最初のデータ採集者
Head of Wildlife Veterinary Unit, Research and Monitoring
Rwanda Development Board
Paul Webala
  • 論文著者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
Senior Lecturer
Maasai Mara University
Winifred Frick
  • 連絡先
Chief Scientist
Bat Conservation International
500 North Capital of Texas Hwy
78746 Austin
Jon Flanders
  • 研究代表者
Director of Endangered Species Interventions
Bat Conservation International
500 North Capital of Texas Hwy Bldg 1-201
78746 Austin
Sospeter Kbiwot
  • 論文著者
PhD Student
Maasai Mara University
Prince Kaleme
  • 論文著者
Mammal Researcher
Centre de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles (CRSN) - LWIRO
Deo Ruhagazi
  • データ提供者
Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association
Providence Uwanyirigira
  • データ提供者
Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association
Deo Ryumugabe
  • データ提供者
Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association
Pierre Ntihemuka
  • 論文著者
Park Warden
Nyungwe National Park
David Bloom
  • プログラマー
VertNet Coordinator


The dataset includes bat occurrence records from Nyungwe National Park in southwestern Rwanda. Nyungwe National Park is the second-largest national park in Rwanda, protecting 1,019 square kilometers of Afromontane rainforest habitat in the Albertine Rift region of Africa. The park is recognized for exceptionally high biodiversity with 1,068 recorded plant species, 322 bird species, 75 known mammal species, including 13 primates. Nyungwe National Park is managed by African Parks in a management agreement with the Rwanda Development Board since October 2020.

座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [-2.918, 28.869], 北 東 [-2.142, 29.575]


The dataset includes occurrence records from Class Mammalia and Order Chiroptera, including 13 taxonomic records representing 10 genera and 5 families. Three records were identified to genus with the remaining 10 identified to species.

Class Mammalia (Mammals)
Order Chiroptera (Bats)
Family Rhinolophidae, Hipposideridae, Nycteridae, Pteropodidae, Vespertilionidae


開始日 / 終了日 2013-05-10 / 2020-11-14


We conducted bat surveys in Nyungwe National Park from 2013-2020 to document bat species occurrences and search for an extant population of the IUCN Critically Endangered Hill’s horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hilli). Our dataset includes three notable species occurrences in Nyungwe National Park, including the first detection of Rhinolophus hilli since 1981, the first record of Lander's horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus landeri) in Nyungwe National Park, and the first record of the Damara woolly bat (Kerivoula argentata) in Rwanda. Bat Conservation International, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the world’s bat populations, organized a multi-national team of scientists and conservation biologists from Rwanda, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the United States to survey for bat species in Nyungwe National Park. Bat Conservation International partners with the Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association on bat conservation in Rwanda and worked closely with staff at Nyungwe National Park on all aspects of this project. All work was carried out with research permits from Rwanda Development Board in collaboration with the Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association.

タイトル Bat species occurrences in Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda
ファンデイング This work was supported by Daniel Maltz, Shared Earth Foundation, Woodtiger Fund, Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund, Wildlife Acoustics, and Bat Conservation International.
Study Area Description Bat surveys were conducted in Nyungwe National Park in southwestern Rwanda and in a few locations near the park boundary. Sampling locations within Nyungwe National Park were primarily caves and forest trails. Nyungwe National Park is the only known locality of Hill's horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hilli), a species classified as Critically Endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Rhinolophus hilli was recorded previously on only two occasions, once in 1964 and again in 1981. The two locations both occurred in the Uwinka region of Nyungwe and are less than 8 kilometers apart (Aellen 1973, Baeten 1984). Surveys for bats were conducted within the Uwinka region of Nyungwe and in similar habitats in the Park to determine the presence of an extant population of R. hilli and document all bat species encountered. Nyungwe National Park protects 1,019 square kilometers of Afromontane rainforest and is the largest protected tract of this habitat in the Albertine Rift region of Africa, an area known for high biodiversity and endemism. Habitat loss and fragmentation caused by logging, mining, fires caused by wild harvesting of honey, and land conversion to agriculture are threats to this Afromontane forest and its biodiversity.
研究の意図、目的、背景など(デザイン) Surveys were conducted in four phases: Initial reconnaissance surveys (2013-2015), reconnaissance for cave suitability by Nyungwe National Park Rangers (2018), a survey expedition with trapping efforts in forest habitats, cave surveys to assess bat use, and acoustic sampling of bat echolocation activity (2019), and on-going acoustic monitoring conducted by Nyungwe National Park Rangers (2019-present). Initial reconnaissance surveys were carried out by a small team (P. Webala and J. Nziza) with the intent to determine if the presence of Rhinolophus hilli in Nyungwe National Park was readily detectable with minimal survey effort. Surveys were targeted in the Uwinka region of Nyungwe National Park and surrounding areas where bat roosts had been reported. Over the course of two years, 10 survey trips were made and a total of 10 sites were surveyed with eight species detected. However, R. hilli was not detected during these rapid assessment surveys. In the cave suitability reconnaissance phase, we worked with the Nyungwe National Park Rangers to identify caves within Nyungwe National Park with features suitable for bat occupancy. We provided Nyungwe National Park Rangers with a pictorial cave survey form to describe the size, type, and location of caves and abandoned mines and to report on any sign of bats using subterranean features. Rangers reported caves encountered during patrols and queried local communities to identify sites. Rangers identified and located a total of ten caves, one abandoned mine, and one building as potential bat roost habitats prior to the planned survey expedition in early 2019. We conducted a 10-day intensive field survey from January 13-23 2019 that focused on (1) surveys for bat use at caves identified by Nyungwe Rangers as suitable and likely to be occupied by bats, (2) capture surveys in forested habitats in the Uwinka region and similar surrounding habitats in Nyungwe National Park, and (3) acoustic sampling of bat echolocation activity using SongMeter 4BAT recorders (Wildlife Acoustics, Inc). This survey effort was scheduled to occur during the short dry season as the first of several planned survey trips intended to sample in the dry and wet seasons to determine the seasonality of bat occurrences. Future survey expeditions have been delayed until further notice due to safety precautions and travel restrictions during the covid-19 pandemic. Since 2019, Nyungwe National Park Rangers have conducted acoustic sampling within the park as part of a long-term bat acoustic monitoring project using two SongMeter 4BAT recorders. With this dataset, we report the acoustic detections of R. hilli, R. landeri, and R. clivosus resulting from sampling effort at 35 locations within the park over a total of 166 nights from July 2019 through November 2020.


Winifred Frick
Jon Flanders
Paul Webala
  • 論文著者


Cave surveys: We surveyed caves by visually searching with the aid of bright lights all accessible areas for the presence of bats or signs of bat use. We noted the presence of bat guano or wall staining if present. At sites with areas inaccessible to human observers, we deployed acoustic detectors (SongMeter 4BAT, Wildlife Acoustics) at entrances for 1-2 nights and used Kaleidoscope Pro (version 5.4.2, Wildlife Acoustics, Inc) to identify the presence of bat echolocation activity during crepuscular and nocturnal hours. If bats were present during an internal search, we captured bats with hand nets or placed harp traps at the entrance prior to evening emergence. Capture surveys in forest habitats: Capture surveys were conducted with harp traps (a 2-bank 4.2 m2 harp trap by Ausbat and the ‘cave-catcher’ 2-bank 0.9m2 harp trap by Bat Conservation and Management) and use of three to five mist-nets of 2m, 6m and 12m lengths (Avinet). We placed harp traps and mist-nets parallel or perpendicular to forest trails in locations selected to maximize capture probability. Harp traps were deployed from sunset until sunrise. We opened mist-nets at sunset and monitored for approximately 4 hours and then reopened between 1-2 hours before sunrise. We monitored mist-nets continuously while open every 10-15 mins. We held bats individually in clean, cloth bags until processed and then released bats at the location of capture. See ‘Step Description’ for the description of data collected from captured bats. Acoustic sampling: Nyungwe Park Rangers deployed SongMeter 4BAT acoustic recorders (Wildlife Acoustics, Inc) at locations along forest trails or near cave entrances during multi-day patrols and collected recorders when returning from patrol. The SM4BAT recorders were programmed to record in full-spectrum at 384 kilohertz sampling frequency. The SM4BATs were set to record 30 minutes before sunset to 30 minutes after sunrise and were typically deployed for 3 to 5 nights at each location. We embedded geo-location coordinates on all files using the GPS attachment available from Wildlife Acoustics. Data were transferred to external hard drives and sent to Bat Conservation International in the USA for processing. See ‘Step Description’ for the description of the processing of acoustic data for species identification of R. hilli.

Study Extent Survey efforts focused within Nyungwe National Park and surrounding areas in southwestern Rwanda. The dataset includes 278 occurrence records from 10 bat species of 5 families detected at 71 locations in or near Nyungwe National Park.
Quality Control For a subset of tissue samples, we compared species identification determined from morphological measurements with genetic data using BLASTN. Because we were unable to obtain viable DNA from the holotype and paratype R. hilli specimens, we inspected both museum samples and compared morphological features with measurements of the two R. hilli caught during our survey. In addition, we compared the sequence data from the two suspected R. hilli samples with sequence data from closely related species to confirm our classification was accurate.

Method step description:

  1. We assessed captured bats for age (juvenile/sub-adult/adult), sex, and reproductive condition (females: non-breeding/pregnant/lactating/post-lactating; males: reproductively active/non-reproductively active as determined by enlarged testes) (Racey 2009). We measured standard morphometrics, including forearm length, tibia length, hindfoot length, tail length, ear length, tragus length, body length, and mass. We used the Mammals of Africa Volume IV (Hedgehogs, Shrews and Bats) (Kingdon 2013) as the primary key for species identification. We sampled skin tissue using a 3-mm biopsy punch from the wing membrane and stored skin tissue in desiccant until the DNA was extracted.
  2. We recorded voucher echolocation calls upon release for each echolocating bat species using an M500 full-spectrum bat detector (Pettersson Electronics) at a sampling rate of 500 kHz. For constant-frequency (CF) bats (e.g. Rhinolophus spp.), we recorded resting echolocation calls while the bat was in hand. For species using frequency-modulated (FM) echolocation, we recorded echolocation activity in flight immediately upon release while visually following the bat with a light. Hand-recorded bat echolocations were analyzed using BatSound v.4.1 (Pettersson Electronics) to determine the following parameters for each pulse: duration (D), maximum frequency (FMAX), minimum frequency (FMIN), peak frequency (PF), and interpulse interval (IPI). We measured these parameters (D, FMAX, FMIN, and IPI) from spectrograms and the peak frequency (PF) from the power spectrum. Acoustic data collected by Nyungwe Park Rangers from July 2019 through November 2020 resulted in a total of 379,982 files recorded from 35 locations over 166 nights. We removed noise files and filtered the remaining files for constant frequency acoustic signatures (>15ms call duration) using Kaleidoscope Pro (version 5.4.2, Wildlife Acoustics). Echolocation calls matching those of voucher calls collected from Rhinolophus hilli, R. landeri, and R. clivosus were identified. All data are preserved to allow for future analysis once other call signatures are identified.
  3. DNA extraction from wing biopsy punches was carried out at CIBIO-InBIO, University of Porto, Portugal, using Qiagen DNeasy kits (Qiagen, Crawley, UK) and stored at -20 oC. Mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the primers MOLCIT‐F (5′-AATGACAT-GAAAAATCACCGTTGT-3′) (Ibñez 2006) and MVZ16-R (5′-AAATAGGAARTATCAYTCTGGTTTRAT-3′) (Smith 1993). PCR’s were performed in a 10 μL volume, which included 1 μL of DNA extract, 0.4 μL of each primer (10 μM), 5 μL of Qiagen Master Mix, and double-distilled water was added until final volume was reached. Reactions were performed under the following conditions: 95 oC for 15 min; 40 cycles of 95 oC for 30 s, 50 oC for 45 s, 72o C for 1 min; 60 oC for 10 min, and DNA sequencing performed on an ABI3700 DNA sequencer (Applied Biosystems). Chromatograms were edited aligned using Mega X (Kumar 2018) with sequences submitted using a via Standard Nucleotide BLAST search on the NCBI website. For phylogenetic comparison, edges of incomplete sequences were trimmed to reduce missing data. Models of sequence evolution were explored in jModel test v.2.1.10 (Darriba 2012) using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). Bayesian inference (BI) was performed using MrBayes v.3.2.7 (Ronquist 2003, Huelsenbeck 2001). BI trees were run with 4 simultaneous chains, each of 1×107 generations, sampled every 1000 generations, and with the first 25% of trees discarded as burn-in. Convergence was assessed using effective sampling size in Tracer v.1.7.1 (Rambaut 2018).


  1. Aellen, V. (1973) Un Rhinolophus nouveau d’Afrique centrale. Periodicum biologorum 101–105.
  2. Baeten, B., Cakenberghe, V. V. & Vree, F. D. (1984) An annotated inventory of a collection of bats from Rwanda (Chiroptera). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 183–196.
  3. Darriba, D., Taboada, G. L., Doallo, R. & Posada, D. (2021) jModelTest 2: more models, new heuristics and parallel computing. Nat Methods 9, 772–772.
  4. Huelsenbeck, J. P. & Ronquist, F. (2001) MRBAYES: Bayesian inference of phylogenetic trees. Bioinformatics 17, 754–755.
  5. Ibñez, C., Garca-Mudarra, J. L., Ruedi, M., Stadelmann, B. & Juste, J. (2006) The Iberian contribution to cryptic diversity in European bats. Acta Chiropterologica 8, 277–297.
  6. Kingdon, J. (2013) Mammals of Africa Volume IV (Hedgehogs, Shrews and Bats). Bloomsbury Publishing, London, UK.
  7. Kumar, S., Stecher, G., Li, M., Knyaz, C. & Tamura, K. (2018) MEGA X: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis across Computing Platforms. Mol Biol Evol 35, 1547–1549.
  8. Racey, P. Reproductive assessment of bats. (2009) IN: Ecological and behavioral methods for the study of bats (eds. Kunz, T. H. & Parsons, & S.) 249–264. The Johns Hopkins University Press, New York, USA.
  9. Rambaut, A., Drummond, A. J., Xie, D., Baele, G. & Suchard, M. A. (2018) Posterior Summarization in Bayesian Phylogenetics Using Tracer 1.7. Systematic Biol 67, 901–904.
  10. Ronquist, F. & Huelsenbeck, J. P. (2003) MrBayes 3: Bayesian phylogenetic inference under mixed models. Bioinformatics 19, 1572–1574.
  11. Smith, M. F. & Patton, J. L. (1993) The diversification of South American murid rodents: evidence from mitochondrial DNA sequence data for the akodontine tribe. Biol J Linn Soc 50, 149–177.
