Makarere University, Department of Plant Science, Microbiology and Biotechnology

Dernière version Publié par Makarere University, Department of Plant Science, Microbiology and Biotechnology le nov. 26, 2018 Makarere University, Department of Plant Science, Microbiology and Biotechnology

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The Department (formerly Department of Botany) was officially opened in 1957, and includes the Herbarium established in 1945 and the Botanic garden in 1946. Over the years, it has developed staff expertise in Ecology, Taxonomy and Systematics, Curation and Herbaria, Physiology, Genetics,Plant Pathology, Microbiology (Bacteriology, Mycology and Virology), Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Ethnobotany, Ethnopharmacology and Conservation Biology. Acacia senegal has the potential to improve socioeconomic and ecological opportunities of the communities in which it occurs. In Uganda, gum production from A. senegal can play an important role in improving livelihoods. IFS funded this study that aimed at mapping A. senegal in northern Uganda as well understanding the regeneration status of A. senegal. Data reported here was collected from plots measuring 20x20 established along 1km transects.

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Bulafu C (2018): Makarere University, Department of Plant Science, Microbiology and Biotechnology. v1. Dataset/Occurrence.


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Cette ressource a été enregistrée sur le portail GBIF, et possède l'UUID GBIF suivante : fe3265d6-8723-4753-800b-ca1850d66d3c.  Makarere University, Department of Plant Science, Microbiology and Biotechnology publie cette ressource, et est enregistré dans le GBIF comme éditeur de données avec l'approbation du GBIF Uganda.


Occurrence; Specimen


Collins Bulafu
  • Chercheur Principal
  • Lecturer
Makarere University, Department of Plant Science, Microbiology and Biotechnology
  • P.O Box 7062
  • +256-776-846216/0701-846216
David Bloom
  • Programmeur
  • VertNet Coordinator
John Wieczorek
  • Programmeur
  • Information Architect
Collins Bulafu
  • Chercheur Principal
Makerere University
  • Kampala
7062 Kampala

Couverture géographique


Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [-1,472, 29,487], Nord Est [4,303, 35,002]

Couverture taxonomique

Pas de description disponible

Class Magnoliopsida

Données sur le projet

The project aimed at equipping data holders with skills and tools to enable them prepare their data using common tools and standards and ultimately publish their data, and associated data papers, on UGABIF and GBIF thus ensuring effective discovery and reuse. Data on plant species in protected forest reserves, invasive species, endemic and endangered species were targeted.

Titre Mobilising plant biodiversity data in Uganda through training
Identifiant BID-AF2015-0139-SMA
Financement Funding for the publication of this dataset was provided by the GBIF BID Programme, BID-AF2015-0139-SMA. Funding for the field work was provided by IFS, D_31647
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche The study was carried out in nine districts covering the entire distributional range of Acacia senegal.
Description du design To assess the diversity and population status of woody species, plots of 20x20 m established at 50m intervals along 1km transects were be used. Within each plot, the number of A. senegal as well as other woody tree species were identified, enumerated and diameter at breast height (DBH cm) measured to establish the density and basal area. Regeneration of A.senegal was assessed by measuring its seedlings in 1x1m plots established at the four corners of the 20x20 m plots Canopy cover was measured using hemispherical photography. Climatic variable were harvested from the world clim-5 climatic database.

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Collins Bulafu
  • Chercheur Principal

Métadonnées additionnelles

Identifiants alternatifs fe3265d6-8723-4753-800b-ca1850d66d3c