The University of Alaska Museum of the North Earth Sciences collection (UAMES) focuses on Alaskan fossils. It contains more than 65,000 specimens in two sub-collections: paleontology and geology (not databased yet). The paleontology collection houses both vertebrate and invertebrate specimens, ranging from Cambrian archaeocyathids to Quaternary mammals. Significantly, it is the largest collection of polar dinosaurs in the world with 10,000 specimens, primarily from the North Slope of Alaska. It also comprises a diverse assortment of Alaskan Quaternary mammals, including a large portion of the material collected throughout Alaska by Otto W. Geist between the late 1920s and the 1960s. The collection also contains a variety of paleobotanical specimens and a large collection of invertebrates (both micro- and macrofossils). It is home to 39 holotypes and 409 paratypes, most of which are invertebrates. The collection is growing through active research projects in different regions of Alaska and collaboration with state and federal agencies.
此資源出現紀錄的資料已發佈為達爾文核心集檔案(DwC-A),其以一或多組資料表構成分享生物多樣性資料的標準格式。 核心資料表包含 52,803 筆紀錄。
亦存在 1 筆延伸集的資料表。延伸集中的紀錄補充核心集中紀錄的額外資訊。 每個延伸集資料表中資料筆數顯示如下。
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University of Alaska Museum, Earth Sciences Collection
此資料的發布者及權利單位為 University of Alaska Museum of the North。 To the extent possible under law, the publisher has waived all rights to these data and has dedicated them to the Public Domain (CC0 1.0). Users may copy, modify, distribute and use the work, including for commercial purposes, without restriction.
此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: 9a201e2f-dada-4cb9-88c7-695e391aeb2f。 University of Alaska Museum of the North 發佈此資源,並經由GBIF-US同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。
Occurrence; Occurrence
- 元數據提供者 ●
- 出處 ●
- 連絡人
- Curator of Earth Sciences
- 907 Yukon Drive
- (907) 474-6954
- 連絡人
- Arctos Database Programmer
- AssociatedParty
- Earth Sciences Collection Manager
- 907 Yukon Drive
- (907) 474-6946
Geographic coverage of the UAM Earth Sciences Collection is primarily North America, with a focus on Cambrian to Quaternary, Alaska
界定座標範圍 | 緯度南界 經度西界 [-90, -180], 緯度北界 經度東界 [90, 180] |
The UAM Earth Sciences Collection has especially strong coverage of Late Cretaceous Dinosauria and Quaternary Mammalia. General coverage includes Mammalia, Reptilia, Pinopsida, Archaeocyatha, Bivalvia, Anthozoa, Cephalopoda, Trilobita, Gastropoda, Aves, Insecta, Graptolithina, Vertebrata, Actinopterygii, Crinoidea, Ichnites, Granuloreticulosea, Magnoliopsida, Chondrichthyes, Conodonta, Echinoidea, Polychaeta, Osteichthyes, Scaphopoda, Radiolaria
Class | Mammalia |
生物存活的時期 | 1927-present |
替代的識別碼 | 9a201e2f-dada-4cb9-88c7-695e391aeb2f |
https://ipt.vertnet.org/resource?r=uam_es |