Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections - TCWC Marine Invertebrates

Последняя версия опубликовано Texas A&M University Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections дек. 22, 2016 Texas A&M University Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections

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The Collection of Marine Invertebrates consists of over 47,000 dry and fluid-preserved marine invertebrates primarily from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. This collection was donated in 1995 by the Department of Oceanography at Texas A&M University. The majority of the specimens were collected by Research Vessels Alaminos and Gyre during the 1960’s and 1970’s. At that time, there had been relatively few biological studies conducted in the Gulf of Mexico. The studies that had been completed prior to that time were from ships unable to perform numerous deep water trawls and dredges, and no studies documented the western half of the Gulf. The new ships were able to perform such trawls and dredges and surveyed a larger portion of the Gulf than the earlier studies. Funding for much of the original collection was provided in part by Sea Grant. The collection remains the most comprehensive collection of deep sea invertebrates from the Gulf of Mexico. It is an active collection and used by systematists, undergraduates, and graduates as a resource for their studies. Dr. Mary K. Wicksten, from the Texas A&M University Biology Department, generously donates her time as curator. Although our collection is called the “Marine” Invertebrate Collection, we recently acquired a landmark collection of freshwater crayfishes from Sterling Johnson, a retiree from Texas A&M University and author of Texas Crawdads. These include vouchers for his book “Texas Crawdads” and constitute a valuable resource for conservation of rare and endemic freshwater fauna.

Записи данных

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Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA. (TCWC)


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Публикующей организацией и владельцем прав на данную работу является Texas A&M University Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections. Насколько это возможно по закону, издатель отказался от всех прав на эти данные и посвятил их Public Domain (CC0 1.0). Пользователи могут без ограничений копировать, изменять, распространять и использовать работу, в том числе в коммерческих целях.

Регистрация в GBIF

Этот ресурс был зарегистрирован в GBIF, ему был присвоен следующий UUID: 16b0aa56-90aa-436c-bfe8-b5af83f84575.  Texas A&M University Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections отвечает за публикацию этого ресурса, и зарегистрирован в GBIF как издатель данных при оподдержке GBIF-US.

Ключевые слова

marine invertebrates freshwater invertebrates; marine invertebrates; Museum specimens Voucher specimens; Occurrence; Specimen


Heather Prestridge
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
Texas A&M University Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections
210 Nagle Hall
77843 College Station
+01 979-845-5783
Laura Russell
  • Programmer
VertNet Programmer
David Bloom
  • Programmer
VertNet Coordinator
John Wieczorek
  • Programmer
Information Architect
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at UC Berkeley

Географический охват

Primarily from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.

Ограничивающие координаты Юг Запад [-90, -180], Север Восток [90, 180]

Таксономический охват

Описание отсутсвует

Phylum Annelida, Foraminifera, Echinodermata, Hemichrodata, Brachiopoda, Sipuncula, Mollusca, Priapulida, Nematoda, Chaetognatha, Porifera, Nemertinae, Chordata, Echiura, Nemertinea, Nemertea, Phoronida, Chateognatha, Ectoprocta, Echiura, Arthropoda, Bryozoa, Ctenophora, Priapula, Cnidaria, Phoronidea, Sipunculida, Chrodata, Nematomorpha, Hemichordata, Echiuroidea, Platyhelminthes

Данные проекта

Описание отсутсвует

Название Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections

Исполнители проекта:

Heather Prestridge
  • Point Of Contact

Дополнительные метаданные

In most cases geospatial data are available for specimens in our collection. To request more detailed locality information please contact us.

Альтернативные идентификаторы 16b0aa56-90aa-436c-bfe8-b5af83f84575